Love Authentic French

Mais Oui .... I've always loved French cooking and dining. I mean, what's not to love? All those great sauces, meats, vegetables, classic recipes and meals, makes me salivate just thinking about it. About the only thing I haven't been able to get my palette around is French charcuterie:  those almost raw meats, foie gras, [...]

By | June 30th, 2024|David's Travels, Napa Wineries, Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on Love Authentic French

Cruising In Style

And Loving It… Seasoned travel and food writers sometimes tend to disparage cruise line food and meals, usually comparing them to being barely better than hotel convention and buffet food, a take that I vehemently disagree with. Believe me, I've had enough rubber chicken dinner meals and awful buffets to know the difference. I think [...]

By | April 14th, 2024|David's Travels|Comments Off on Cruising In Style

Rodney Strong Vineyards

Inside and Out... Have always been a big fan of Rodney Strong’s chardonnays. Know it’s not fashionable nowadays to love butter, oak and alcohol, but combined the right way, which Rodney Strong's chards inevitably are, I Iove having a few thru the summer and fall.  When the web gal and I were recently driving down [...]

By | December 31st, 2023|Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on Rodney Strong Vineyards

Mustards Grill’s Gracious Chef

And Napa’s Finest Diner... Cindy & David Words like legend and classic get a bit bandied about too much, but I always wanted to have a chat with Napa resident, 40-year legend chef Cindy Pawlcyn at her classic diner Mustards Grill right on the Hwy 29 across from Piazza Del Dotto Winery & Caves. But [...]

By | November 30th, 2023|Napa Eateries|Comments Off on Mustards Grill’s Gracious Chef

Seastar Restaurant and Raw Bar Delivers

Great Experience... David & Josh Seattle is justifiably known for being one of the great seafood restaurant towns in the world. While I’m much more of a carnivore than a pescatarian, I thought it’d be fun to shake things up and try John Howie’s Seastar Restaurant and Raw Bar than his steak place for my [...]

By | October 25th, 2023|David's Travels|Comments Off on Seastar Restaurant and Raw Bar Delivers

Another birthday

Life is Great!!!  Another birthday rolled around too soon, but like I said last year, whom am I kidding, I love life and it’s another year to celebrate being alive and healthy. Recently, I started playing and enjoying Michael Bublé’s Feeling Good to kick my day off now. A hot swinging little number, delivered perfectly [...]

By | September 27th, 2023|David's Travels|Comments Off on Another birthday