Than Satisfaction…

Back in 2019, I said in these pages that I thought it was probably the last time I’d see the Stones in one of those big stadium gigs. But some how when they came rolling thru North America this spring and summer, the web gal and I couldn’t resist the siren Satisfaction call and went to their Seattle show at Lumen Field Stadium where Joe Bonamassa opened and BC Place Stadium where the Ghost Hounds opened in Vancouver. Both concerts were fantastic.

Ronnie Wood said once he doesn’t envy bands that have to open for the Stones. Journey got booed off the stage in Buffalo in ’81 and they had a number one album at the time. I know cuz I was there and was one of the fan’s booing, ha ha! And when I saw Iggy Pop opening for them in Detroit on the same tour, he had so much junk thrown at him for his noise that even the normally fearless Iggy had to retreat to the drummer riser until his last number when he came to the lip of the stage and got pelted again. But Joe B’s bluesy set went over well as Joe played some tasty licks. A grey bearded guy was sliding out nice grooves on the keys and I thought maybe it was the Stones keyboardist since ’82, Chuck Leavell might be sitting in. But no, it was Stevie Ray Vaughan’s old key player Reese Wynans. And the Ghost Hounds kicked out some fine soul that Jagger acknowledged when they took the stage in Vancouver.

One admirable thing about the Stones, they’ve never been afraid to have top acts on the bill and they pay back their debt with excellent blues and soul acts on the bill as well. ‘Bout the only top act they haven’t followed is Aerosmith. Slag em all you will, it would be darn hard to follow the kind of energy the bad boys from Boston put out. And the Stones know it, but would never admit it.

But for a guy that just hit 81 years young, Mick and the boys still put on a great show. I leaned towards the Vancouver show for their more bluesy numbers like Midnight Rambler. But the web gal said she liked the Seattle show more, with the more poppy stuff. But one thing I could really dig with the web gal was when they did Miss You in Seattle and Ronnie Wood played an incredible solo behind Mick as he walked down the crowd stage ramp. While nothing could replace the subtle, groove bass of Bill Wyman, it still sounded incredibly funky for a stadium gig. Lot of fun. Check out both concerts on

And since this site is supposed to be about food, wine and travel, although I try to bleed a little rock n’ roll spirit in my writing, thought I’d mention Mick’s taste in food when in Vancouver. Back in ’89 Jagger and his crew went to an incredibly expensive Cantonese place down on the waterfront. And being a man of wealth and taste, knew what he wanted. The maître d was impressed enough to say, Ah Mick Jagger, he knows how to order Chinese food. Ronnie Wood came the next night with some of their background singers and crew and blew a small fortune. Too bad that restaurant is no longer in business cuz you could see the pics on the wall and have great food and views.

So this time around Mick must have asked where to dine and the night after the concert went to Vikram Vij’s restaurant Vij’s, one of the best Indian restaurants in the world. Vij was delighted to have him as a guest, Vij believes in treating everyone equally. But he said no one bothered Mick and they had a fine little conversation about cricket and food. Mick ordered several appys, a main course and dessert. Ah Mick, you sure know how to get satisfaction!

Next day after the Vancouver concert, for an extra kick, the web gal and I took the Skyride gondola up Grouse Mountain and had a ball. There was hiking, nature, wood carvings, ziplining, dining and more. As Jagger said without any irony or bs the way performers always try to do in a strange new town. He was totally sincere when he said, “You’ve got such a beautiful city here.” And he is right. If you can’t do the hour and half drive to Whistler, which is one of the best scenic drives in the world, take 10 to 20 minutes and drive to Grouse Mountain. Either take an hour to walk up the Grouse Grind if you’re in any kind of shape, or take the Skyride gondola up the mountain and take in all that beauty amongst the pines and peaks. Cheers.

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