Executive Hotels & Resorts – Vancouver Airport

When You Fly Into Richmond... Harald & David When people fly into Vancouver, BC, they usually can’t wait to jump on the Skytrain and check out all those gorgeous views downtown on the waterfront. Or rent a car so they can drive up the Sea to Sky Hwy for those incredible views from Vancouver to [...]

By | April 27th, 2022|David's Travels|Comments Off on Executive Hotels & Resorts – Vancouver Airport

San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival 2021

Awesome Again... No doubt Covid was a real hard kick in the shins for the food and wine event industry. Most were cancelled outright in 2020 and if they tried to do anything in 2021 they were severely curtailed in terms of events and attendance. But as the cliché says, the strong survive, and I’m [...]

By | December 14th, 2021|David's Travels, Napa Wineries, Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival 2021

San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival

A Fav Event is Coming… One of my fav food and wine events is coming up: 17th San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival: November 11-14. After missing a year due to Covid, it's back and obviously scaled back. A few of this year's highlights include The Grand Decant wine tasting event on November 12, [...]

By | October 17th, 2021|David's Travels, Napa Wineries|Comments Off on San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival

Celebrate a Birthday

At A French Delight... Normally I don’t care much about celebrating my birthday. I like to celebrate every day, so what difference does my b-day make? I had planned to blow it out at Seattle’s Canlis restaurant for my big 6-0 last year, but Covid shut that plan down. Deep Cove Chalet So when this [...]

By | September 25th, 2021|David's Travels, Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on Celebrate a Birthday

CinCin Ristorante & Bar

Always Up For An Anniversary… A quick peruse of this website will reveal that the Insider is always up for a great meal, party or anniversary. So when I got an invite in my email to celebrate a Vancouver landmark restaurant, CinCin’s 30th anniversary with a terrific 3 courses for $30 offering I couldn’t walk [...]

By | December 28th, 2020|David's Travels|Comments Off on CinCin Ristorante & Bar

Blowouts to Burgers

Canlis Pivot & Evolves... If you ever visit Seattle, there are certain things that most people do... a visit to the Space Needle (the restaurant for a tourist place is actually pretty good), a stroll thru Pike Place Market with maybe a stop across the street at the original Starbucks. If you like rock n' [...]

By | August 31st, 2020|David's Travels|Comments Off on Blowouts to Burgers

Happy Hour

Two of The Finest Words ... Happy hour. Aside from love you, are there two better words in the English language? I suppose you don’t need a specific hour to be happy, but there’s something about dropping into a bar or restaurant during happy hour and having a ball. Playwright Everything just lends itself to [...]

By | June 13th, 2020|David's Travels|Comments Off on Happy Hour