A Wicked Game is Fun…

Can you ever have too much fun? No doubt some rock stars and fellow scribes who are pushing up daisies now, would agree that you definitely can. But I dunno, this past weekend where I got to attend a very friendly, classy fun, food and wine reception at Chateau Ste Michelle Winery, then see Chris Isaak put on a fantastic show on a perfect summer evening. And then drive back to a fine suite at the Silver Cloud Stadium hotel right across from where the Seattle Mariners and Seahawks play, was a helluva lot of fun, that I didn’t want to end!

Thankfully traffic wasn’t too bad driving north up the I5 to the Chateau Ste Michelle grounds just before you come into the wine town of Woodinville proper. A few rooms in the cavernous chateau had been blocked off to host the buffet and a standup bar where one could fill one’s wine glass for the evening. I enjoyed pairing the grilled chicken skewers with Ste Michelle’s 2019 Cab the best.

And when the 7 pm show time rolled around, we were escorted behind the scenes where huge vats of fine wine were aging until we emerged out into the amphitheater lawn where we walked up the hill to the Peacock lounge, where excellent desserts, cheeses and wines were being served as Lyle Lovett and his large band kicked off the evening’s music.

Some rock critics tend to disparage large horn sections in bands, but I love it. As long as it’s got that swing, which Lovett’s band had, it put you in a good mood if you appreciate talented musicians. After Lovett’s swinging music, Chris Isaak came on in his usual sparkly jacket and performed his customary magnificent set with the tight, fun band he’s had for over 35 years. After a few numbers, he invited Lyle Lovett back to the stage and they performed a terrific duet of Roy Orbison’s Dream Baby.

For many it was the concert highlight. But for me, it’s always Wicked Game. I don’t care if it’s a yogurt ad now, nothing can take away that song’s haunting lyrics and melody that I knew when I first heard it then purchased the album right away. So having a fine, purple and pink sunset go down to the right of the stage while Chris sang of the wicked game his lover had played was about as perfect as most concerts get. Isaak performed a bunch of up-tempo numbers to end the show with fun energy that made the trip back to the hotel seem to zip by in minutes.

Next day, I pretended I was a rock star and went to the rooftop pool and hung out for a couple of sun-baked hours. And for the drive home we made the excellent choice to hit Jeff’s Texas Style BBQ in Marysville. Food and Wine mag has called Jeff’s Washington state’s best BBQ, and you’ll get no disagreement here. We had fantastic ribs, brisket and baked beans. Didn’t want the weekend to end, but who knows, maybe Bonnie Raitt’s concerts at Ste Michelle on Friday, Aug 19th and Saturday, Aug 20th will keep the good times rolling. Cheers!!

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