Charleston Wine & Food Festival

Southern Sophistication ... I’ve always loved authentic southern cooking and cuisine. Give me a choice between some foo foo foam concoction and a perfectly grilled bbq rib, I’ll take the rib every time. That’s why it was such a kick for me after the SOBEWFF festival in Miami to take the train north and attend [...]

By | March 29th, 2019|David's Travels, Napa Wineries|Comments Off on Charleston Wine & Food Festival

Joe’s Stone Crab (Miami)

Gotta Have the Key Lime Pie Too .... It takes a lot to make the Insider pause when doing the NSI quiz. But when Brian Johnson, the GM of Miami's legendary restaurant, Joe's Stone Crab, remarked he had been with the restaurant for 39 years, I couldn't help looking up from my pad and give [...]

By | March 19th, 2019|David's Travels|Comments Off on Joe’s Stone Crab (Miami)

Red The Steakhouse

Did You Say Steak ... A steakhouse. At first glance, everyone thinks they're all the same, with varying degrees of approval on how well their steak is prepared and served. But that kind of thinking is doing a grave disservice to the men and women who really make a tremendous effort to make their steakhouse standout in a vast [...]

By | March 11th, 2019|David's Travels|Comments Off on Red The Steakhouse

Gone Way Too Soon

Jonathan Was Pure Gold... If you’re a food and wine writer with an IQ over a 100, a dubious claim that no doubt most chefs and winemakers would agree with, considering the bounty of hacks with their gormless opinions that have exploded  over the internet. But let’s just suppose you’re a scribe with a three [...]

By | August 19th, 2018|David's Travels|Comments Off on Gone Way Too Soon