Chateau Ste. Michelle Concert

Wine and Rock n' Roll... Does rock n’ roll and wine go together?  Let’s face it. Not really. While there’s a few rock stars who have bought wineries, the two pleasures don’t really mix. Rock n’ roll is jack and coke and beer. When I open a nice bottle of wine, I’m not tempted to [...]

By | June 28th, 2018|David's Travels|Comments Off on Chateau Ste. Michelle Concert

MGM Resorts International

No Ego in the Wine Biz ... Some times when the Insider is on the road, it’s fun to get an outsider sommelier to do the NSI Quiz to get their perspective on the industry. Recently while in Las Vegas for Uncork’d I got Jason Smith, a master sommelier, and the executive director of wine [...]

By | June 14th, 2018|David's Travels|Comments Off on MGM Resorts International

Tulalip Resort Casino

Not A Celeb Chef in Sight ... Casino restaurants have gotten a bit of a bad rap for being overpriced and not that good and perhaps deservedly so. How many celebrity chefs have stuck their name on a restaurant in a casino, taken the check and run? Too many to count. But that sure isn’t [...]

By | June 8th, 2018|David's Travels, Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on Tulalip Resort Casino

Chateau Ste Michelle

Choice Makes Tasting Fun... I love tasting rooms. Everything from the different architecture, the views of the estates, the convivial staff to the sipping and tasting. But if there’s one drawback, it’s the lack of diversity at most tasting rooms. It’s not the wineries fault, most only make a few varietals and one can’t expect them to showcase other [...]

By | June 3rd, 2018|David's Travels, Napa Wineries|Comments Off on Chateau Ste Michelle

Vegas Uncork’d

Pop the Corks at Uncork'd... Uncork'd kicked off its 12th annual celebration of food, wine and booze with a sold out dinner at Thomas Keller’s Bouchon at the Venetian. Vegas native, and exec chef of Keller’s Ad Hoc in Napa, Matt Alba, was flown in to deliver the fried chicken goods and he didn’t disappoint.  [...]

By | May 23rd, 2018|David's Travels, Napa Eateries|Comments Off on Vegas Uncork’d

Taste Washington

Some Kicks To Be Had ... Sometimes it can be a drag waiting around for a grand tasting. It happens. A city’s got a dead night life scene and not very good restaurants and bars. Not fun. But man, that sure isn’t Seattle. Recently had a few days to kill and had a ball before Taste of Washington’s Grand Tasting which was held underneath the football stands of [...]

By | April 23rd, 2018|David's Travels|Comments Off on Taste Washington

Vancouver Wine Festival & Victoria Beer Festival

 Great Views at Vancouver Wine Fest ...   My liver took a pounding but had a lot of fun.  Victoria’s 5th annual craft beer festival kicked off at the Victoria Public Market. Vancouver Island Brewery had a raspberry export stout that was delicious. Normally I try to avoid beers with fruit titles in them as they [...]

By | April 8th, 2018|David's Travels, Napa Wineries, Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on Vancouver Wine Festival & Victoria Beer Festival

Seattle Wine and Food Experience

Great Food and Wine... Had some great food and drinks and viewed interesting exhibits as the Seattle Wine and Food Experience celebrated 10 years down at Pier 66 at Seattle’s Bell International Hall. Most of the wine sampling was concentrated on the ground floor with over 30 Washington State wineries and a dozen each or so [...]

By | March 6th, 2018|David's Travels, Napa Wineries, Sonoma Wineries|Comments Off on Seattle Wine and Food Experience

Redwood National Park

Enchantment ... The Insider has always been a little ambivalent about traveling to see the world’s natural wonders and nature itself. It’s not that I’m immune or can’t appreciate the glories of a sunset, sunrise, forest, mountain, beach etc.    Any time I’ve ventured north to Vancouver in the early spring for Vancouver’s excellent wine fest, I’ve always [...]

By | December 23rd, 2017|David's Travels|Comments Off on Redwood National Park